Friday, January 24, 2014

Baby, it's cold outside!

Its cold.  I actually dreamed of a friend who is at a research station in the Antartic like it was normal.  The furnace stops running only at night and only because I can't sleep when it's hot so I turn it down to 64F.  Of course I do pump it up later when I get up but wow.

I have never had forced air heat before except for one short year in my previous life.  I always had electric baseboard heat or radiator heat.  Last winter all I had was portable space heaters which weren't really heat at all.

The thing I have discovered about forced air heat is that it dries you out. Every part of you.  My nose, my sinuses, even my skin and I am so itchy I can barely stand it!

Last night I put baby oil on after my shower before I dried off but by the time I was in bed...dried out and itchy.

I put lotion on my hands and then smooth my hair down.  I fold clothes which I washed with fabric softener and they stick to my shirt.

Next week is supposed to be colder.  Weather bug has an igloo icon that just seems to be a permanent fixture.  I mean, holy crap!  Schroon Lake, high in the Adirondacks doesn't even have a permanent igloo!!!!

Now is when you want warm casseroles for dinner followed by warm cookies or cobblers and hot cups of tea all day long!    I can't even look at a glass if cold water and consider drinking it.  I'm going to try yoga today but I am considering staying under the warm covers for a while!!!

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I am fragile - please be kind or just say nothing. I thank you very much.